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  • KEIT

The line extending from the KEIT sculpture represents KEIT's support for creative, challenging, and forward-looking R&D, while the circle at the end of the line represents the core technologies that underpin the industry. The intersection of the line and circle symbolizes KEIT's collaboration and support for the development of globally competitive technologies.

Color Rules

  • KEIT Dark Blue
    [Expertise]Promote technological innovation based on the professional capabilities of membersPANTONE 286CC 100 M 90 Y 0 K 10
    R 30 G 57 B 141

  • KEIT Magenta
    [Passion]Lead change and innovation with passion for workPANTONE 232CC 0 M 90 Y 0 K 0
    R 238 G 61 B 150

  • KEIT Green
    [Publicness&Fairness]Promote transparent industrial technology R&D planning, evaluation, and managementPANTONE 360 CC 60 M 0 Y 90 K 0
    R 112 G 191 B 84

  • KEIT Blue
    [Credibility]Promote public trust through communication, consideration, and cooperationPANTONE 299 CC 70 M 15 Y 0 K 0
    R 39 G 170 B 225

  • KEIT Orange
    [Innovation]Contribute to challenging and forward-looking technology developmentPANTONE 1575CC 0 M 60 Y 90 K 0
    R 245 G 130 B 51


  • KEIT 한국산업기술평가관리원 Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology

  • 내일을 바꾸는 기술 KEIT 한국산업기술평가관리원

  • Changing Tommorow KEIT 한국산업기술평가관리원

  • Changing Tommorow KEIT Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology


  • 내일을 바꾸는 기술

  • Changing Tommorow

  • Changing Tommorow 내일을 바꾸는 기술

콘텐츠 정보책임자

Webmaster Contact Public Relations Team : Joo Hyunjin kei01157@keit.re.kr

하단메뉴 영역

Main Office KEIT 1-5F, 32, Cheomdan-Ro 8-Gil, Dong-Gu, Daegu 701-300, Korea
Daejeon Branch KEIT 3F, Gyeryong Company Bldg., 48(Tanbang-dong 647), 48 beon-gil, Munjeong-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Korea
Seoul Branch 4F KCCI, 39(45 Namdaemun-ro 4ga), Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
E-mail global@keit.re.kr
Copyright (C) 2021 Korea Planning & Evaluation of Industrial Technology. All Rights Reserved.